Circulation Services

The library has a physical book collection amounting to 2000 book titles covering engineering, mining, animal science, crop science, metallurgy, marketing, accounting and development studies.

Below is a brief guide on borrowing of books

How do I borrow a book?

  • Your student card, staff card, or visitor card is also your library card - you use it to borrow materials from the Library.
  • To borrow a book, collect a book from the shelves, take it to the Issue Desk together with your card and the staff will issue the material to you.
  • Non GSU patrons may pay a fee to join/use the Library. Ask the Circulation Desk for the latest fees.
  • Any student from a STATE UNIVERSITY in Zimbabwe is allowed to use GSU library on condition they present their student ID  card from parent institution.
  • In the event they want to use the GSU library for a-long period, a letter is to be provided to the Librarian stating the time student will be accessing the library.

How many books may I borrow at a time?

Table below shows the number of items and days a material/book can be borrowed.


User Status Short Loan Ordinary Loan Reserve/ Thesis
Undergraduate Student 1 book, 2days 2 books, 14 days 1 book, 2hrs use
Post Graduate Students 2 books, 2days 3 books, 14 days 2 books, 2hrs use
Visitors 1 book per day 1 book per day In-house use only
Subscribers 1 book, 2days 2 books, 5days In house use only

Inter-Library Loan (ILL)

The Library can obtain for its patrons books and other materials it does not have from other libraries. All such requests should be submitted by filling out ILL request form at Issuer Desk.
(Note that inter-library loans are subject to the terms imposed by the lending library).

Use of Library Computers

The Library has few computers in house and these will be given access to by requesting their use at the issue desk (provide ID Card) and each user is allowed 2hrs on each computer to enable resource sharing.