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1. How can I access Dissertations published at Gwanda State University?

Full dissertations can be obtained in the library at the Dissertation Stack, however, these are strictly  for In-house Use Only. If you are unable to find dissertations for a particular Department, kindly consult the Reference librarian on duty at the Reference Desk for assistance. 

2. How do I access Past Examination Question Papers?

There are three (3) ways of accessing Past Examination Question Papers.
a) Online - On the Library link, click on Electonic Resources the drop down menu will list with Past Examination Papers being on the list. Past Examination papers are organised by Faculty. Alternatively, on the library homepage, the Past Examination Papers link  is listed under Research and Collection.

b) You can send a detailed email requesting for the past examination papers using your institutional email to library@gsu.ac.zw 

c) You can visit the library for physical copies which are filed according to Faculty and Year.


3. What is a Subject Guide?

Subject guides are a list of useful and relevant resources for a particular Faculty. These include databases, e-books, e-journals, encyclopedias, websites and many more, for a specific subject. These guide on resources to make use of. You can also get more ionformation in a particular field from your Faculy Librarian as well as discover other materials you were not aware of. 


4. What is a subscribed database?

 It is an electronic collection of information, organized to allow users to get that information by searching in various ways and is paid for by the library so you have free access to scholarly information. 


5. What is an electronic journal?

An e-journal is a publication, often scholarly in a computerised format and distributed electronically.


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