Gwanda State University Deputy Librarian Attends Prestigious Diamond Open Access Summit
The Deputy Librarian of Gwanda State University, Mr. P. Ndhlovu, proudly represented the university at the 2nd Diamond Open Access Summit, which took place from 9th to 14th December 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. This globally recognized event brought together experts, advocates, and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the future of open access publishing, with a particular focus on the Diamond Open Access model.
Read MoreGreat News! Gwanda State University Ranked in the Times Higher Education Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings
The Gwanda State University (GSU) has secured position number 47 out of 129 universities in the Sub-Saharan Africa Region, highlighting the robustness and growing popularity of the institution’s learning, teaching and research. According to the Times Higher Education (THE) 2024 Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings, released on Wednesday, 27 November 2024, GSU is ranked number 47 in the region and this is its first time to be ranked by THE Sub-Saharan Africa University Ranking. The university library played a pivotal role in spearheading the process in collaboration with Faculties and Sections within the university. A big thumbs up to all the students who managed to spare their time to participate in the survey!.
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Gwanda State University Awarded American Embassy Zimbabwe University Library Resources Program Grant
We are thrilled to announce that Gwanda State University Library was awarded the American Embassy Zimbabwe University Library Resources Program Grant! This prestigious grant aims to improve internet access and educational resources for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in Agriculture at Gwanda State University, thus enhancing the library’s resources and supporting its commitment to academic excellence.
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→ Past Exam Papers
→ ProQuest Ebook Central
→ Dimensions
→ ACM Digital Library
→ scienceOPEN
→ Research4Life
→ De Gruyter
→ The Company of Biologists
→ Elgaronline
→ IWA Publishing
→ Mathematical Sciences Publishers
→ ASTM Compass
→ Wiley Online Library
→ The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
News, Announcements and Upcoming Events
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Deputy Librarian Mr Phillip Ndhlovu attends the Skills and Competencies in Bibliometrics and Research Impact Services Workshop at Western University, Ontario, Canada from the 26th of June 2023. Thirteen academic librarians from 12 countries across Africa visited Western University for a week-long bibliometrics and research impact summer school. Participants were selected from a pool of 113 applicants across the continent to attend the school at no cost.
For more information click here
GSU Library is pleased to announce access to the ProQuest E-book Central databse. ProQuest E-book Central is a subscription database that provides access to thousands of book titles from thousands of publishers, including Allen & Unwin, Wiley, Pearson, and Oxford University Press. The database covers all the subject disciplines currently on offer at GSU and accessible via the library website.
Gwanda State University Library announces the launch of its maiden Online Public Access Catalogue, powered by KOHA. The catalogue facilitates independent online search experience of the library’s holdings, with excellent ease of searching and accessing resources. In addition, the catalogue’s responsive design is optimized for smartphones and tablets.To learn more about the catalogue’s functionality, the GSU Library will conduct regular training sessions which will be announced on its website and official social media platforms.
GSU Library is pleased to announce access to the eLibraryUSA electronic resource. eLibraryUSA is a digital collection of trusted information resources from the United States with quality newspapers, magazines, journals, books, dissertations and award-winning films and videos.
Of note is the Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global database containing 1.5 million world class dissertations and theses written by graduate students from over 700 universities.
Here is the link: eLibraryUSA to give you access to the databases.
Email to get your username and password! N.B:Free access to the database may be restricted with advance warning anytime!
GSU Library announces the launch of an online LiveChat facility to provide immediate, personalized and real time reference service to the university community. Library patrons are able to initiate a chat directly from the library website!.
GSU Library is proud to introduce a WhatsApp-a-Librarian Service which is an enquiry service that enables you to connect with a librarian at the GSU Library using one of the most widely used form of communication in the world!
The service aims to provide assistance to users who wish to get quick help in finding information on library services and resources.
N.B. Requests received beyond the Library hours will be served on the next service day
If you have an in-depth enquiry, you may:
- Make use of the LiveChat facility
- Email us at
- Make use of the Research Consultation Service
- Contact your Faculty Liaison Librarian
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GSU Library in collaboration with Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) Library hosted a Webinar on the 23rd of October 2024, under the Theme: Community Over Commercialization. The GSU Deputy Librarian, Mr. Phillip Ndhlovu presented on an interesting topic 'Leveraging Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) and Creative Commons (CC) Licenses'. The webinar attracted a pool of participants who included academics, researchers, and librarians from various institutions.
International Open Access Week, a worldwide event now entering its sixteenth year, is an opportunity for open access advocates to engage their communities to teach them about the potential benefits of Open Access, as well as help encourage wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research.
Visit the International Open Access Week website for more information about this year’s theme and activities.
Gwanda State University Library will be celebrating International Open Access Week from 23 to 27 October 2023, various activities have been scheduled. Click on the link below for a detailed programme of events.
The Gwanda State University Library; courtesy of the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) is pleased to host a Data Skills Training Workshop for Zimbabwean Academic Librarians, from the 19th to the 20th of July 2023 at the Gwanda State University Epoch Mine Campus.
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Library Contact
Gwanda State University Library
Filabusi, Zimbabwe
+(263) 84-2824724
+(263) 771433367
- »ProQuest Ebook Central Database
- »Research4Life
- »Dimensions
- »Catalogue
- »Institutional Repository
- »ACM Digital Library
- »De Gruyter
- »The Company of Biologists
- »Elgaronline
- »IWA Publishing
- »Mathematical Sciences Publishers
- »ASTM Compass
- »scienceOPEN
- »Wiley Online Library
- »The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
- »Past Exam Paper
Operating Hours
Mon - Thur | 0830 - 2200hrs |
Friday | 0830 - 1500hrs |
Saturday | 0830 - 1300hrs |
During Examination Time | |
Mon - Thur | 0830 - 2200hrs |
Friday | 0830 - 1500hrs |
Saturday | 0830 - 1300hrs |
Closed During Public Holidays |